There’s one person who is the queen of the column of colour. Her name? The Queen of course. Dressing in one colour or similar shades from top to toe is very slimming. A column of colour not only helps balance imperfections but it also elongates the frame giving a leaner silhouette. It’s an easy win and a great confidence builder.

Image c/o The Sunday Times Style
And the good news is that you don’t have to stick to black. Take HRH for instance, we rarely see her in black (state occasions and funerals only). There’s nothing stopping you from doing a column of red or blue or green or yellow. But black is slimming you say. Yes it is, but so is navy and charcoal and chocolate brown. In fact any deep colour will work, so choose your most flattering shade.
Don’t dismiss brighter colours though because they can be very striking particularly in the warmer months. We’re seeing a lot of brightly coloured trouser suits this season, a perfect choice for a formal occasion such as a wedding particularly if you don’t enjoy wearing dresses. And they’re versatile too because each piece can be worn separately to create different outfits.
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